Privacy Policy | Holy Cow

Privacy policy


These Provisions on the privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy") are an official document of a real estate agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and determine the procedure for processing and protecting information about individuals (hereinafter referred to as Users) using services, information, services , programs of the site located on the domain name (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”).

Maintaining confidentiality is important for the Company, because the purpose of this Privacy Policy is to protect the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen when processing his personal data, including protecting the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets, from unauthorized access and disclosure.

We have developed a Privacy Policy that describes how we process personal data - any actions (operations) or a set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without using such tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization , accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

Relations associated with the processing of personal data and information about Site Users are governed by this Privacy Policy, other official documents of the company and applicable laws of Thailand.

The processing of personal data is carried out by us on a legal and fair basis, acting reasonably and in good faith and on the basis of principles:

  • the legitimacy of the purposes and methods of processing personal data;
  • good faith;
  • compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the goals previously defined and declared during the collection of personal data, as well as the powers of the Company;
  • the correspondence of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of processing personal data to the purposes of processing personal data.

This Privacy Policy governs any type of processing of personal data and personal information (any personally identifiable information and any other information related to it) about individuals who are consumers of the Company's services.

This Privacy Policy applies to the processing of personal, personal data of Users collected by any means, both active and passive, both via the Internet and without using it, from persons located anywhere in the world.


The purpose of processing personal data is to fulfill the obligations of the Company to Users regarding the use of the Site and its services.

Processing of Users personal data is carried out with the consent of the personal data subject to the processing of his personal data.

Personal data refers to any information relating directly or indirectly to a defined or determined individual (subject of personal data) and which can be used to identify a specific person or to contact him.

We may request your personal data at any time when you contact the Company. The company may use such data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. It can also combine such information with other information for the purpose of providing and improving its services, content (content) and communications.

The following are some examples of the types of personal data that the Company may collect, and how we may use such information.


We may collect various data / information, including:

  • first and last name,
  • phone number;
  • email address.

When you attract other persons to our events and activities or invite them to communicate with us, the Company may collect the personal data you provide about these persons, such as: name, surname, email address and phone number.

When processing personal data, we ensure the accuracy of personal data, their adequacy, and, if necessary, relevance in relation to the purposes of processing personal data.


The User’s personal data is stored exclusively on electronic media and processed using automated systems, unless the automated processing of personal data is necessary in connection with the implementation of the requirements of the current laws of Thailand.


The personal data we collect allows us to send you notifications about new services, special offers and various events. They also help us improve our services, content, and interaction. If you do not wish to be included in our mailing list, you can unsubscribe at any time by informing us of the indicated contacts for feedback.

From time to time, we may use your personal data to send important notifications containing information about changes to our services, terms, conditions and policies.

We can also use personal information for internal purposes, such as: conducting an audit, analyzing data and various studies in order to improve the Company's products and services, as well as interacting with consumers.


We also collect data that is not personal - data that does not allow us to directly associate it with any particular person. We may collect, use, transmit and disclose non-personal information for any purpose. The following are examples of non-personal information that we collect and how we can use it:

We can collect data on: zip code, unique identifier of the device, location and time zone in which this or that product is used in order to better understand consumer behavior and improve our services and communications.

We can also collect data / information about what the User is interested in on our website when using our other products and services. Such data / information is collected and used to help us provide more useful information to our consumers of services and to understand which elements of our Site, products and services are most interesting. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the above data is considered as data / information that is not personal.

If we combine information that is not personal with personal information, such aggregate information will be considered as personal information as long as such information is combined.


The User’s personal data is not transferred to any third parties, except as expressly provided for in this Privacy Policy and applicable laws of Thailand.

The processing of Users personal data is carried out without any time limit, by any legal means, including in personal data information systems using automation tools or without using such tools.

The personal data of Users can be transferred at the request of the authorized state authorities of Thailand only on the grounds and in the manner established by the current legislation of Thailand.

The company blocks personal data related to the relevant User from the moment of appeal or request of the User or his legal representative or authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects for the period of verification, in case of revealing inaccurate personal data.


In some cases, the Company may provide certain information and data to strategic partners who work with the Company to provide services, or to those who help the Company sell services to consumers. We provide third parties with the minimum amount of data necessary only to provide the required service or conduct the necessary transaction.

Information will be provided by the Company only in order to provide consumers with products and services, as well as to improve these products and services and related communications.

To use your personal data for purposes not established by this Privacy Policy, we will request your consent to the processing of your personal data


The company provides data / information to companies providing services such as: processing information, determining your interest in our services, conducting surveys aimed at studying our consumers or satisfying the quality of service. Such companies undertake to protect your information regardless of their country of location.


The company may need to - in accordance with applicable laws of Thailand, in court, in litigation and / or on the basis of public inquiries or inquiries from government authorities in or outside the territory of your host country - disclose your personal data.

We may also disclose personal data / information about you if we determine that such disclosure is necessary or appropriate for national security, law enforcement or other socially important cases.

We may also disclose personal data / information about you if we determine that disclosure is necessary to enforce our terms and conditions or to protect our activities and our users.


User’s personal data is destroyed when the subject of personal data withdraws consent to the processing of personal data.


The website, interactive services and applications, e-mail messages and any other communications on behalf of the Company may use cookies and other technologies, such as: pixel tags, web beacons. Such technologies help us better understand user behavior, tell us which sections of our site have been visited by users, and measure the effectiveness of advertising and network searches. We view information collected by cookies and other technologies as non-personal information.

Our goal in such cases is to ensure a more convenient and personal interaction with the Company. For example, knowing your name, we can use it in our communications. Knowing that someone, using your computer or device, has purchased a certain product or used a certain service, we can ensure that advertising messages and e-mails more closely match your interests. Ultimately, all this knowledge helps us provide you with the highest quality service.

If you can disable cookies in the settings of your web browser or mobile device, please note that some functions of the website may become inaccessible after disabling cookies.

As with most websites, we collect some information automatically and store it in statistics files. Such information includes the Internet Protocol address (IP address), browser type and language, information about the Internet service provider, send and exit pages, information about the operating system, date and time stamps, and information about visits. We use such information to understand and analyze trends, administer the site, study the behavior of users on the site and collect demographic information about our main contingent of Users as a whole. A company may use such information for its marketing purposes.

In some of our e-mails, we use interactive links to information posted on the Company's website. When Users click on such links before they reach the destination page on our website, their requests are separately registered. We track such “pass-through” data in order to help us identify interest in specific topics and measure the effectiveness of our communications with consumers. If you prefer your requests not to be tracked in this way, you should not follow text or image links in emails.

Pixel tags allow us to send email messages in a format readable by consumers and let us know if such messages have been read. We can use such information to limit the number of messages sent to consumers or to stop sending them.


The company takes precautions - including legal, organizational, administrative, technical and physical - to ensure the protection of your personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to it, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties persons.

When you use certain products, services or applications of the Company or post entries on forums, chats or social networks, the personal data you provide is visible to other Users and can be read, collected or used by them. You are responsible for the personal data that you prefer to provide, in such cases yourself. For example, if you indicate your name and email address in a forum entry, such information is public. Please use caution when using these features.


Interacting with the Company, you can easily keep your personal data and information up to date. We will store your personal data and information for the period necessary to fulfill the goals described in this Privacy Policy, except when a longer period of storage of data and information is necessary in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation or permitted by it.

We do not collect personal data about minors. If we become aware that we have received personal information about a minor, we will take measures to remove such information as soon as possible.

We strongly recommend that parents and other persons under the care of minors (legal representatives - parents, adoptive parents or guardians) monitor the use of minors' websites.


The websites, applications and services of the Company may contain links to websites, products and services of third parties. Our services may also be used or offered by third party products or services. Personal data and information collected by third parties, which may include information such as location data or contact information, is governed by the privacy practices of such third parties. We encourage you to review the privacy practices of such third parties.

The Company is not responsible for the actions of third parties who, as a result of using the Internet or the Site’s services, gain access to information about the User and for the consequences of using data and information that, due to the nature of the Site, are accessible to any Internet user.


In order to ensure that your personal data is safe, we communicate the standards of confidentiality and security to the employees of the Company and strictly monitor the implementation of measures to maintain confidentiality within the Company.


If you have any questions regarding the Privacy Policy of the Company or the processing of data by the Company, you can contact us by contact for feedback:


The applicable laws of Thailand apply to this Privacy Policy and the relationship between the User and the Company.

Users have the right to send the Company their inquiries, including requests regarding the use of their personal data, the withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data in writing at the address indicated in the General Provisions of this Privacy Policy, or in the form of an electronic document signed by a qualified electronic signature in accordance with applicable laws of Thailand, and the email address of the Company sent.

The request sent by the User must comply with the requirements established by the Rules for submitting requests to the Service and Support Service, namely, contain:

  • number of the main identity document of the User or his representative;
  • information on the date of issue of the specified document and the issuing authority;
  • signature of the User or his representative;
  • email address;
  • contact phone.

The company considers and sends a response to a user’s request within 30 calendar days from the receipt of the request.


A visitor to the Company Website providing his personal data and information thereby agrees to the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

The company reserves the right to make any changes to the Privacy Policy at any time at its discretion in order to further improve the system of protection against unauthorized access to personal data communicated by users without the consent of the user. When we make significant changes to the Privacy Policy, a notification is posted on our Site along with an updated version of the Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to the actions and Internet resources of third parties.